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Annual Town Meeting and Annual Budget Meeting - May 3, 2022

Posted on
April 27, 2022
Town Hall
On Tuesday, May 3, at 7:00 PM, the town will hold its Annual Town Meeting and Annual Budget Meeting at the Barkhamsted School. 

At this meeting, we will conduct the necessary business required of the town and we will also vote on the coming  fiscal year's budget, including budgets for the Elementary School, the Selectmen and capital projects .  After the meeting, the Board of Finance will hold a meeting to set the mill rate for the coming year's taxes.

This is an important meeting for the Town's residents, so I hope you can all come to the school and vote on these important items.  The first link below is the agenda for the meetings, and the second is a presentation of the material to be discussed.

Annual Town Meeting and Budget Meeting May 2022.pdf

Town Meeting and Budget Meeting 05.03.2022.pdf