The First Selectman, who is the Town's Chief Elected Official, is responsible for the overall management of the town's day-to-day activities and is supported by the Administrative Assistant. This Department' s responsibilities include the Town's finances, the Building Department, the Highway Department and the Assessor's Office.
The First Selectman's Office also works closely with the other elected officials in Town Hall, which include the Town Clerk, the Tax Collector and the Registrar of Voters.The financial management activities include payroll, accounts receivable, accounts payable, health and property insurance, and other related coverages and are managed by the Administrative Assistant, in her role as Accounts Payable Clerk, and by the Accounts Receivables Clerk. The Town's investments are managed by the Town Treasurer, who is also an elected official.
The Highway Department, managed by the Supervisor, maintains the safety of the town roads throughout the year, focusing on road maintenance and upkeep through the warmer months, and snow plowing and ice removal during the winter. They also maintain the town's inventory of trucks and equipment, which are used in the performance of their responsibilities.
The Building Department Assistant issues all of the permits required for home building and renovations and also works with the Planning and Zoning and Inland Wetlands Commissions to assure compliance with the town's regulations. The Building Inspector and Zoning/Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer work in the Building Department.
The Town also employs the services of a Resident State Trooper, who maintains an office in Town Hall.
Interaction with the State and Federal government and the administration of grants and other government programs are the responsibility of General Government. In addition, there is close coordination with the Seniors group, who manages the Senior Center and is a very active organization.
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Recently Held
May 2, 2023
Annual Town Meeting
Recording available
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Staff & Contacts
Staff & Contacts
Nick Lukiwsky
First Selectman
(860) 379-8285
Erica Dyndiuk
Administrative Assistant
(860) 379-8285
TFC. Ryan Slaiby
Resident State Trooper
(860) 379-8782
Bernadette Warren
Spencer Monroe
Receivables Clerk
(860) 379-8285
Board Members
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