Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 4:30pm,
Friday: Closed.
During inclement weather, please call our office as opening may be delayed or closing may be early.
The assessor's office can provide assistance for most assessment needs by phone, email or mail. In addition, answers to many of your assessment questions can be found on this website.
Thank you!
The Assessor’s primary responsibility is the compilation of all taxable and exempt property in the Town of Barkhamsted. The Assessor's office is also responsible to ensure that all property is fairly and equitably assessed. If you believe your assessment is inaccurate, please contact us and we will try to assist you. If you still believe your assessment is inaccurate, you may present your information to the Board of Assessment Appeals for further review. For information regarding appeals, please click here for the Board of Assessment Appeals page.
Discovering, listing and valuing equitably, all real property, personal property and motor vehicles within the Town of Barkhamsted in accordance with Connecticut State Statutes.
Annually providing a Grand List of all taxable property within the Town of Barkhamsted
Maintaining an up-to-date inventory of all properties, including land and improvements thereon, changes in ownership, new construction, alterations and subdivisions or mergers filed as of the assessment date, October 1.
Annually inspecting and valuing all permit activity within the town limits of Barkhamsted.
Assessor Services
The Assessor's Office administers:
State and local programs of tax relief and applying exemptions as permitted by state law (Veterans, Disabled, Blind, Elderly Tax Relief, etc.)
Motor Vehicle assessment adjustments for vehicles that have either been sold, stolen, salvaged or registered out of state
Assessor map updates and Assessor Property Record Card updates
Revaluation of all Real Estate as defined by State Statutes, conducted every 5 years
NOTE: Questions regarding tax due dates, amounts due, amounts paid and interest should be directed to the Tax Collector’s Office at (860) 738-4762 or visit the Tax Collector's webpage by clicking here.
Mill Rates
2023 | 25.60 (Reval:24.20 + 1.40 Fire) __________________________________________ 2022 | MV 32.46 (32.00 + Fire 0.46) RE, PP 33.94 (32.00 + Fire 1.94) 2021 | MV 32.46 (31.49 + Fire 0.97) RE, PP 33.45 (31.49 + Fire 1.96) 2020 | 33.21 (31.52 + Fire 1.69) 2019 | 32.43 (30.77 + Fire 1.66) 2018 | 32.63 (Reval: 30.97 + Fire 1.66) 2017 | 31.52 (29.86 + Fire 1.66) 2016 | 31.00 (29.37 + Fire 1.63)
2015 | 30.02 (28.36 + Fire 1.66)
2014 | 29.38 (27.72 + Fire 1.66)
2013 | 29.00 (Reval: 27.37 + Fire 1.63)
2012 | 25.69 (24.26 + Fire 1.43)
2011 | 24.79 (23.39 + Fire 1.40)
2010 | 24.02 (22.67 + Fire 1.35)
MV = Motor Vehicle RE = Real Estate PP = Personal Property
Last Real Estate Revaluation: Effective October 1, 2023
Motor Vehicle Property Tax
If your registration is due to expire within 60 days (or has already expired) and you have not received a renewal notification you MUST CONTACT DMV. If you are being reported with a tax (or other) compliance issue in a town you never lived in, you should contact the town reporting the non-compliance.
Motor vehicles are subject to a local property tax under Connecticut state law, whether registered or not.
Motor Vehicle Assessments
Motor vehicles are assessed according to State statutes at 70% of the depreciated values. Beginning with the October 1, 2024 assessment year, the depreciated values are determined using the schedule of depreciation described in subdivision (7) of subsection (b) of section 12-63, amended by 2024 Senate Bill 501, June Special Session, Public Act 24-1 (see below).
The uniform assessment date is October 1st in Connecticut. Motor vehicles registered on October 1st will be part of the October 1st Grand List. Vehicles registered after October 1st, but prior to the following October 1st, will be a supplement assessment to the October 1st Grand List.
Unregistered or out-of-state registered vehicles that you are not in the process of registering in Connecticut, must be declared on your Personal Property Declaration. Please refer to that section for details.
Motor Vehicle Valuation
Not later than October 1, 2024, and annually thereafter, the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) shall, in consultation with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), establish guidelines for the valuation of motor vehicles, which shall be used by assessors in each municipality in determining use of motor vehicles for the purpose of property taxation. The value of each motor vehicle shall be determined by the schedule of depreciation described in statute 12-63(b)(7), as amended by 2024 Senate Bill 501, June Special Session, Public Act 24-1 and listed below. The depreciated values are calculated as a percentage of MSRP. The assessment is based on 70% of this depreciated value.
From 12-63(7)(b), as amended: Year twenty and beyond assessed at an amount not less than five hundred dollars.
Please refer to the Antique, Rare or Special Interest Motor Vehicles (Age 20 and beyond) section below for additional details and requirements to qualify for this special assessment.
The Office of Policy and Management (OPM) Guidelines for vehicles age 20 and beyond indicate that such vehicles shall be depreciated at 15% of the MSRP for valuation unless they have DMV-issued classic vehicle plates or have qualified as antique, rare or special interest motor vehicles with the Assessor's Office .
Additional Clarification from the Office of Policy and Management for the 2024 Grand List year (example is for a vehicle with an MSRP of $25,000):
Antique, Rare or Special Interest Motor Vehicles (Age 20 and beyond):
“Antique, rare or special interest motor vehicle” means a motor vehicle twenty years old or older which is being preserved because of historic interest and which is not altered or modified from the original manufacturer's specifications.
If you own a vehicle that can be classified as an "antique, rare or special interest motor vehicle", but it does not currently have DMV-issued Classic Vehicle plates for such vehicle, you may complete an affidavit (link below) and submit it to the Assessor's office for review. The Assessor's office must receive this affidavit by November 1 in order for it to be considered for the October 1st Grand List. (Due to Motor Vehicle Statute changes for the 2024 Grand List year, we are extending the deadline for this Affidavit to Thursday, November 28, 2024.)
For the affidavit form, click here. Please contact our office if you have any questions.
For information regarding DMV issued Classic Vehicle plates, please click here.
Per Statute 12-71(b), any antique, rare or special interest motor vehicle, as defined in section 14-1, shall be assessed at a value of not more than five hundred dollars. The owner of such antique, rare or special interest motor vehicle may be required by the assessor to provide reasonable documentation that such motor vehicle is an antique, rare or special interest motor vehicle, provided any motor vehicle for which special number plates have been issued pursuant to section 14-20 shall not be required to provide any such documentation.
Supplemental Motor Vehicles
Supplemental motor vehicles are vehicles that were not registered on October 1st, but were registered subsequent to October 1st and prior to August 1st. Motor vehicle assessments are prorated from the month registered through September.
Motor Vehicle Tax Credits
Motor vehicle tax credits (prorate adjustments) are provided for those vehicles which are:
Totally damaged
Registered out of state
Stolen not recovered
This credit applies only to the current year and one year prior. Proof is required for prorates. Vehicles which are disposed of are entitled to the following credit percentages of assessed value.
October | 91.7%
November | 83.3%
December | 75.0%
January | 66.7%
February | 58.3%
March | 50.0%
April | 41.7%
May | 33.3%
June | 25.0%
July | 16.7%
August | 8.3%
Deadline for Presentation of Proof for Adjustment:
Per statute, 12-71c(b), the proof for adjustments (prorates) for motor vehicles must be presented within 27 months of the assessment date. Example: the owner of a vehicle with a bill referencing an assessment date of October 1, 2022 has until December 31, 2024 to present all proofs of disposal.
Click here for a Brochure of Motor Vehicle Information & Required Proofs for adjustments of Motor Vehicle Tax Bills .
Click here for Application for Motor Vehicle Property Tax Exemption or Exemption Benefit for Connecticut Residents who are Members of the Armed Forces CGS 12-81(53)
Taxpayer failure to provide all forms of proof for the adjustment within the 27 months of the assessment date forfeits the right to an adjustment of the bill by Connecticut law 12-71c.
Commercial Motor Vehicles:
Per statute 12-63(b)(12), For assessment years commencing on or after October 1, 2024, for any commercial motor vehicle (A) that is modified, or (B) to which is affixed an attachment designed, manufactured or modified to be affixed to such motor vehicle, the assessor shall determine whether to value such motor vehicle and any such modifications or attachments to such motor vehicle pursuant to subdivision (7) of this subsection or section 12-41 (Personal Property), as amended by this act. The assessor shall determine valuation of any modifications or attachments to such motor vehicle based on whether such modifications or attachments are intended to be permanently affixed to such motor vehicle.
P.A. 490 Information
Application to the Assessor for PA490 Classification (*Don't forget the Attachment)
Owners of real estate qualified under various subsections of 12-107 of CGS, applying for relief under provisions of this statute, must make application to the Assessor. Written application for such classification with the Assessor must be filed between September 1st and October 31st. There are no extensions, except in a revaluation year, when the application must be filed no later than December 30th.
To be eligible for Forest Land classification, a new qualified Forester's Report must be completed and issued by October 1st of that Grand List year. This report must be attached to the completed application and filed with the Assessor's office by October 31st. The deadline for filing the Forester's Report is not extended during a revaluation year.
To locate a Forester you my use the following link:
Under the most current law, whether you acquired the property by sale or transfer, if you as the new record owner want to continue to receive this preferential tax treatment, then you MUST apply for this special classification in your own name. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. If your application is not filed in a timely manner, the special classification shall be removed from the property and the assessment shall increase accordingly for the next Grand List. Note, there is a special procedure for applying for Forestland which may require considerable time to complete.
If you would like to participate in a State- wide farm survey, please click the following link: PA 490 Survey
The intent of the survey is to provide updated and reliable PA 490 land use values, the state conducts this farm-level surveys to collect data representative of land characteristics, soil types, rental rates, and other supplementary information.
Personal Property Information
NEW BUSINESSES - BARKHAMSTED INFORMATION: All New Businessesshould complete the Personal Property Affidavit so that we have your correct information for our files. You may also contact the Town Clerk to file a Certificate of Trade Name. Please click on Personal Property Q & A for the answers to many common questions regarding the annual assessment filing requirements. You are also welcome to contact our office during our regular business hours. We are happy to assist you.
NEW BUSINESSES - STATE OF CONNECTICUT INFORMATION: was launched in 2020 and serves as a one-stop-shop for businesses and entrepreneurs to navigate state government requirements as effectively and quickly as possible.
DEADLINE: The deadline for filing personal property declarations is November 1. Note, the Assessor’s Office is CLOSED FRIDAYS. Therefore, if you are HAND-DELIVERING your PERSONAL PROPERTY DECLARATION, please submit NO LATER THAN THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2024. After that, you must mail with a USPS canceled post mark or tracking to show that it was mailed by Nov. 1, 2024.
FORMS: BUSINESSES AND UNREGISTERED OR OUT-OF-STATE REGISTERED VEHICLES: The following are the most commonly required annual personal property declaration forms:
INSTRUCTIONS: The Assessment Date for Personal Property Declarations is October 1, 2024. Complete instructions are included on the 2024 Full Form. All Personal Property Declaration Forms are available on this website or you may contact the Assessor’s Office to have one mailed to you: 860-379-3600.
LATE FILING NOTE: if a declaration is received after November 1, 2024 it will be considered late and will subject to the 25% late filing Penalty unless it has been postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) by November 1, 2024 or includes tracking information verifying that it was mailed by November 1, 2024. Also, an additional USPS cancelation or tracking information is required for declarations received after November 1, 2024 with postmarks using Pitney Bowes or any other in-house postal machine.
HOW TO DELIVER DECLARATION: Declarations can be delivered to the Assessor’s Office by hand, faxed, or mailed.
FAX: 860-379-9284 (Please call before faxing as this is a shared fax machine.)
ADDRESS: Assessor’s Office, Town of Barkhamsted, 67 Ripley Hill Rd., Barkhamsted, CT 06063 (US Postal Service Postmark by November 1, 2024)
PENALTY: Failure to declare will result in a 25% penalty. Late filing will also result in a 25% penalty, unless an extension For Good Cause has been requested in writing by November 1, 2024.
BUSINESS TERMINATION OR MOVE: If your business has recently closed, please complete the Affidavit on the first page of the Personal Property Declaration and include one of the following:
Certificate of dissolution from the Connecticut Secretary of State's Office that the business closed prior to 10/1/2024 (LLC's should be dissolved and be issued a certificate).
Letter from an accountant that the business has been dissolved prior to October 1, 2024.
Letter from the bank that the business accounts have been closed prior to October1, 2024.
A copy of the lease showing date expired and no longer leasing space as of October 1, 2024.
Property Record Cards and GIS information are available to the public in the Resources section of this page. The Property Cards have been updated to reflect the 2023 Grand List assessments, based on the 2023 Revaluation.
All information concerning property assessment and values is public information. Any property owners who object to having their names available online may request to have this information suppressed from internet access. You must submit your request in writing to the Assessor's Office. Once the Assessor receives your request, your information will be removed on the next available update. You should be aware that even if you choose not to have your name available online, your property information will still appear in the database.
Tax Relief Information
ELDERLY/100% DISABLED HOMEOWNERS BENEFITS Applications are now available for Elderly or 100% Disabled Homeowners who meet the income requirements. New applicants or those who did not qualify when they last applied are also welcome to apply. Income qualifying limits for the 2023 Grand List will be based on the following income maximums: The maximum for single applicants is $43,800; the maximum for married applicants is $53,400.
Individuals who are applying for tax relief are required to provide documentation of Social Security Benefits (SSA-1099).
For information on how to access your Social Security Information, click here or
contact the Torrington Social Security Office is (800) 772-1213
ELDERLY/100% SOCIAL SECURITY DISABLED RENTERS REBATE NOTE Beginning June 1, please call the office to coordinate for the Renter's Rebate Application. The application period is open until Oct. 1, 2024.
BLIND or 100% SOCIAL SECURITY TOTATALLY DISABLED New applications for the blind or totally disabled person’s exemption must be filed by October 1st of the assessment date.
Totally Disabled Tax Exemption Application: FORM D-1
LOCAL OPTION EXEMPTION for HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE VEHICLE Under Barkhamsted Town Ordinances, Local Exemptions are available to the owners of certain private vehicles specially equipped for the transportation of the handicapped. Please call or visit the Assessor's office for further information.
RENTERS' TAX RELIEF PROGRAM FOR THE ELDERLY AND TOTALLY DISABLED The new application deadline is September 30th. There is no longer a provision to request an extension of time to file due to a medical condition. The state of Connecticut will process renter rebate checks by November 30th.
To apply, you may contact the Assessor's Office to set up an appointment. Please bring all of documentation to support the values for the application. For proof of income, you must provide your SSA-1099 form, form 1040 with attachments - if you filed or will file taxes, and all other proofs of income. For proof of rent and utility expenses, you must bring evidence of rent (from lessor) and utilities (from utility company) that you paid during the prior calendar year.
VETERANS Veteransmust have their DD-214 form (discharge papers) on file with the town clerk’s office no later than September 30, 2024 to be eligible for the veteran’s exemption on the October 1st assessment date for the 2024 list year. Veterans may request their DD-214 on-line from the National Archives. Veterans with service connected disability rating and under the age of 65, must submit to the assessor proof of disability rating from the Veterans Administration, in order to receive the proper amount of exemption on the 2024 Grand List.
DISABLED VETERANS If you have a disability rating from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), please submit a recent letter from the VA showing your VA Benefits Information. You may be entitled to additional exemptions on your property assessment.
If you are receiving exemptions due to a Veteran's disability and are over the age of 65, you may be entitled to an additional exemption equivalent to the 100% disability rating. Please make sure your current VA Benefits information is on file with the Assessor's office.
Also, as of 10/1/2024, if you have a VA disability rating as "totally and permanently disabled due to your service-connected disabilities", then you may be eligible for an assessment exemption equivalent to your house or vehicle assessment. Please submit your most recent DD214 and VA letter to the Assessor's office to determine your eligibility.
ADDITIONAL VETERANS EXEMPTION Income qualifying limits for the 2024 Grand List will be based on the following income maximums: The maximum for single applicants will be $43,800; the maximum for married applicants will be $53,400. (File biennially form M-59a , Filing period Feb. 1st - Oct. 1st)
100% V.A. determined Disabled Veterans will continue to use $18,000 for single applicants and $21,000 for married applicants (adjusted gross income only; Social Security Income is not considered).
Information for Disabled Veterans Who Need to Obtain VA Verification for Tax Assessment Purposes Effective with tax year 2008, the Federal VA no longer automatically mails VA Form 20-5455, “Statement of Benefit Payment Records,” for submission to your local Tax Assessor.
You must now request your own VA Benefits Summary Letter using one of the methods below and submit this letter to your Tax Assessor immediately upon receipt.
Download a VA Benefit Letter by clicking this link for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Call the VA Benefits hotline at (800) 827-1000 or call the toll-free CT Veterans Information Line at (866) 928-8387 and ask them to submit a request to the Federal VA on your behalf
Fax a written request to (860) 665-7654
Visit a district office of the CT Department of Veterans’ Affairs located in Bridgeport, Newington, Norwich, Rocky Hill, Waterbury or West Haven
Access CT Veterans Disability general information online by clicking this link
To make an appointment with the CT Veterans Administration, (in-person or telephone) you can go to: .
You may also access the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs Disability Information by clicking this link or
12-81 (56): Active solar heating or cooling system installed on or after October 1, 1976 (local ordinance adoption). Refer to Town ordinance Sec 178-3 for details.
12-81 (57)(A): (i) Any Class I renewable energy source, as defined in §16-1; hydropower facility described in subdivision (21) of subsection (a) of §16-1, installed for the generation of electricity where such electricity is intended for private residential use or on a farm, provided (I) such installation occurs on or after October 1, 2007, (II) the estimated annual production of such source or facility does not exceed the estimated annual load for the location where such source or facility is located, and (III) such installation is for a 1-4 family dwelling or a farm, (ii) any passive or active solar water or space heating system or (iii) any geothermal energy resource (state mandated).
12-81 (57)(B): Any Class I renewable energy source, as defined in §16-1, hydropower facility described in subdivision (21) of subsection (a) of §16-1, or solar thermal or geothermal renewable energy source, installed for generation or displacement of energy for commercial & industrial purposes, provided installation occurs on or after January 1, 2010; nameplate capacity doesn't exceed load for location, and such source or facility is located in a distressed municipality as defined in §32-9p with a population between 125,000 and 135,000 (state mandated).
12-81 (57)(D): Any Class I renewable energy source, as defined in §16-1, hydropower facility described in subdivision (21) of subsection (a) of §16-1, or solar thermal or geothermal renewable energy source, installed for generation or displacement of energy for commercial & industrial purposes, installed on or after January 1, 2014 and where the nameplate capacity does not exceed the load for the location where such generation or displacement is located, or the aggregated load in virtual net metering pursuant to §16-244u (state mandated).
12-81 (62): Passive solar energy heating or cooling systems and hybrid systems installed on or after April 20, 1977 (local ordinance adoption). Refer to Town ordinance Sec 178-3.1 for details.
12-81 (63): Cogeneration system installed on or after July 1, 2007 (local ordinance adoption). Refer to Town ordinance Sec 178-4.1 for details.
Veteran Exemption Forms
Veteransmust have filed their DD-214 form (discharge papers) with the town clerk’s office no later than September 30th to be eligible for the veterans exemption on the assessment of the October 1st list year (billed the following July).
Veterans may request their DD-214 by using one of the following methods:
Veterans with disability ratings from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs may be eligible for assessment exemptions. For additional information, please go to the Tax Relief Information section
Tax Exempt Organization Application and Quadrennial Renewal Report (M-3 Form)
Applications are due November 1 for any new applicants and renewals are due on a quadrennial basis with the next renewal due November 1, 2025.
Please contact the assessor's office for additional information.
2023 Revaluation Information
The 2023 Revaluation has been completed and the Board of Assessment Appeals have also completed their duties. The Property Cards are available through the GIS/Property Cards link on the Home page or on the Assessor page, above.
The items below provide information regarding the 2023 Revaluation Process and a prior Power Point form the 2018 Revaluation Process for informational purposes: