Tax Collector

(860) 738-4762
(860) 379-9284
67 Ripley Hill Road
PO Box 195
Pleasant Valley
Hours of Operation
Monday: Closed Tuesday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Wednesday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Thursday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Friday: Closed


Please keep in mind that the online payment system is a vendor and we cannot post payments until the funds actually are deposited into the town account. This can take 7 - 9 days as we are only notified of deposits on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. If you have a receipt indicating that you paid successfully, please do not pay a second time without talking to the tax office.

All tax bills due January 1, 2025 are now late and interest in the amount of 3% or $2.00 minimum is due on each account.

Demand notices and delinquent statements are currently being mailed. If you receive a demand notice, please do not ignore it as those accounts will be sent to a collection agency and will be charged their 15% collection fee by state statute.

If you need information for the taxes you paid in 2024, please go to the "Pay Your Taxes" tab on the front page of the town website. Search by name using the last name and first initial for everyone you need information for. Request IRS Payment Records for Year 2024. Follow the instructions in blue. Right click on the results and print if you need a printed copy.

If you need an immediate release to register a motor vehicle, please call the tax office before paying online. The tax office can not process payments over the phone. We also do not have the capability to take credit/debit cards in the office.

Under no circumstances can the tax office waive interest. 

Office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8:30 - 4:30.

2023 Grand List Mill rates:  Town    24.20
                                                   Fire      1.40                                                             
In addition to paying in person, payments can also be made in the following ways:
      - Pay through the online system by clicking the link on the right of the tax web page or on the main web page. If you pay by check (ACH) the fee will be $0.95 for the entire transaction and if you pay with a credit/debit card the fee will be 2.99% of the total paid with a minimum charge of $3.95. The online system is a vendor so payments will post approximately a week after your payment if processed. 
   - Mail your payment to Terri Collins, Tax Collector, PO Box 195, Pleasant Valley, CT 06063-0195. We have to go by the postmark so if you are mailing your payment August 1st, please have your payment hand cancelled. If there is no legal postmark, we have to go by the day of receipt.
  - Drop your payment outside of town hall in the black mail box to the left of the lower level door. To get a receipt, enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

Be sure your math is correct. Review your check and be sure that it has a current date, that the numeric and written portions are the same and written correctly, and that it is signed!! Incorrect checks will be returned and your payment will be late if not returned on or before the last day to pay.

As always, if you have any questions, please call the tax office at (860) 738-4762 or email

Mission Statements

The Tax Collector's office is responsible for the billing and collection of Town and Fire District taxes and all related penalties. Its mission is to assist in maintaining the fiscal stability of the Town and Fire District by ensuring the timely collection and recording of all taxes through the diligent application of the State Statutes, Town Ordinances, regulations and other enforcement aids, while assisting the public in understanding the taxation process and procedures and maintaining an effective and cordial relationship with the general public.

General Information

The Tax Collector is also responsible for reporting fiscal information to various Town departments and boards, the Barkhamsted Fire District, the State of Connecticut and the United States Bureau of the Census.

The first installment of real estate and personal property bills becomes due July 1, 2024 and becomes delinquent August 2, 2024. Also due will be the motor vehicle bills for vehicles that were owned as of October 1, 2023. The second installment of real estate and personal property bills and motor vehicle supplemental bills are due January 1, 2025 and becomes delinquent February 2, 2025.

If you receive a bill or a delinquent tax statement that you believe to be an error, please contact us immediately. Also, if you are unable to pay what you owe in full, partial payments are encouraged to reduce the interest that accrues. Just a note: the late penalty is set by State Statutes and cannot be waived by the Tax Collector.

The Tax Collector's office is located on the lower level of the Barkhamsted town hall at 67 Ripley Hill Road (Route 318).  Please review the office hours as the tax office is considered to be part-time by the Selectman and the Board of Finance. 

When paying by check, always double check your math and be sure the written and numeric portions are the same and that your check is signed. Checks returned may charged $20.00. If you prefer to pay on-line, click the link in the left column. You can pay by ACH or credit card. The fee for the ACH option is $0.95 and, if you pay by credit card, the fees charged by the credit card company will be 2.99% with a minimum charge of $3.95. This is not a free service

Barkhamsted tax bills contain both the Town tax and the Fire District tax. The combined mill rate for the grand list of October 1, 2023 is 25.60 mills for all bills. The Town portion is 24.20 mills and the Fire District portion is 1.40.  

Sample motor vehicle tax: Assessment of $5,000 (70% of book value) gets a Town tax of $121.00 and a Fire tax of $7.00 for a total tax due of $128.00. Motor vehicle taxes are due in full July 1 with a 30 day grace period before penalties accrue.

Sample real estate tax: Assessment of $150,000 (70% of appraised value as of 2023 revaluation) gets a Town tax of $3630.00 and a Fire tax of 210.00 for a total tax of $3,840.00. The Town tax is due in two installments (July 1 and January 1) and the Fire tax is due in full July 1, therefore $2,025.00 would be due July 1 and $1,815.00 would be due January 1. There is a 30 day grace period from the due date before penalties begin to accrue. Bills are sent out once a year at the end of June - no second bill for the January installment will be sent. Mark your calendars! 


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Recently Held
Dec 9, 2020
Terri Collins
Recording available

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Additional Info

Do I need to save my receipts?
Yes, receipts should be kept for 15 years - the length of time municipal taxes are collectible. The tax office is not responsible for compiling paid tax informaion for income tax purposes. Requests for this information will be processed as time permits and, if research is necessary, there may be a charge.
Are there any breaks for senior citizens?
Yes. If you or your spouse are 65 or older, contact the Assessor at (860) 379-3600 with questions concerning elderly benefits.
Paying Taxes Online
Pay Your Taxes Online Here.

Fees apply to the on-line bill pay - $.95 per check transaction; 2.95% of transaction amount for credit card.

If you need an immediate release to register at DMV, please contact the tax office prior to making an on-line payment as we are not able to confirm receipt of your payment right away. Be sure to check the calendar section of our website for holiday hours.

Please make checks payable to "Town of Barkhamsted".

A payment drop box outside the tax office is available during town hall hours. Credit and debit cards are not taken in the tax office. If you are paying a current tax bill, you can utilize our on-line payment service by clicking the link above or going to this website. For a small fee, you can pay from your checking or savings accounts or you can use a credit or debit card. 
My tax bill says "Back Tax Also Due" and there is a statement with my bills. What does this mean?
According to our records, there are still unpaid taxes in your name. If you do not know what these taxes are or if you feel you have already paid these taxes, contact the tax office immediately. Any payment you send will be applied to the oldest outstanding taxes first per CT State Statute 12-144b.
I paid off my mortgage and will now be responsible for paying my own taxes. What should I do?
Contact the tax office. If the taxes have been paid in full for the year, we will change our records so that the next bill is sent to you. If it is prior to the January payment being due and you will be responsible, you will need to get the amount from us. We do not rebill in January. Unless we are contacted, we do not know when a payment status has changed. Late payments will be charged interest per State Statute 12 -130.
I pay my real estate taxes but did not receive a bill with my other bills. What should I do?
Contact the tax office immediately to determine why you did not receive the bill and to get the amount to be paid. You are still responsible for the timely submission of your payment.
I received my real estate bill and it should be paid by my mortgage company. What should I do?
Contact your escrow agent or mortgage company immediately to determine how to get the tax information to them. Also notify the tax office so we can make a note.
I have moved. What town should I be paying motor vehicle taxes to?
If you moved but remained in Connecticut, your  motor vehicle taxes are due to the town where you resided on October 1. Tax bills are not pro-rated between towns. If you moved out of Connecticut, you may be eligible for an adjustment to your bill and need to contact the Assessor at (860) 379-3600. If you move, you need to notify the Department of Motor Vehicles within 48 hours of your new address and tax town. Be sure to change both your driver's license and all motor vehicle registrations. If your information is not correct at the Department of Motor Vehicles, your tax information will not be correct.
What is a "supplemental" motor vehicle tax bill?
If you register a vehicle after October 1, you will receive a pro-rated tax bill due January 1 following the normal July billing period. This bill will reflect the tax due from the month of the registation through the following September. If you used a plate from another vehicle, a credit will show to offset the July tax paid on that vehicle.
I need to register my car and I have delinquent taxes. What do I do?
If you feel you do not owe the tax, it needs to be deleted by the Assessor before we can issue a clearance. If you owe the tax, your payment needs to be in the form of cash or bank cashiers' check if you need to get an immediate clearance. Payment by personal check needs up to 10 business days to clear.
I believe I am being improperly billed for a motor vehicle. What should I do?
Contact the Assessor's office at (860) 379-3600. Do not ignore the bill! If you recently replaced a vehicle you were billed for and kept the same plate, you need to pay this bill and your credit will appear in January when you are billed for the replacement vehicle. If you no longer have a vehicle and did not replace it, you may be eligible for a credit.
What if I never received a tax bill?
Per CT State Statute 12-130, the failure to receive a tax bill does not exempt you from paying the tax and all interest charges that may have accrued. If you did not receive a tax bill that you are responsible for by the end of the first week of July, call the tax office immediately at (860) 738-4762 to get the payment information.
What happens if I pay late?
In accordance with CT State Statute 12-146, past due payments are subject to interest at the rate of 1 1/2 % per month from the due date of the tax with a minimum interest penaly of $2.00. Motor vehicle bills are also subject to a $2.00 fee. The timeliness of your payment is determined by the delivery date or the postmark on the envelope containing the payment.
What happens if I pay late?
In accordance with CT State Statute 12-146, past due payments are subject to interest at the rate of 1 1/2 % per month from the due date of the tax with a minimum interest penaly of $2.00. Motor vehicle bills are also subject to a $2.00 fee. The timeliness of your payment is determined by the delivery date or the postmark on the envelope containing the payment.
Can I pay my taxes with one check?
Yes. Be sure to double-check your math.
What if I can't pay my taxes for any reason?
Partial payments are always accepted. Pay as much as you can before the bill becomes delinquent. You will be charged interest on the unpaid balance. Interest is charged at a rate of 1 1/2% per month back to the due date of the bill (3% in August) or a minimum of $2.00 per bill. Motor vehicle bills also have a $2.00 fee to cover the cost of reporting you delinquent at DMV. It is always good to stay in contact with the tax office. All conversations will remain confidential.
When are taxes due?
Real estate and personal property taxes of $100 or more are due in 2 installments - one due July 1 and the other due the following January 1. Real estate and personal property taxes less that $100 and motor vehicle taxes are due in one installment July 1. Supplemental motor vehicle taxes are due January 1. Taxpayers always have until the first of the next following month to pay without penalty.
How is the tax rate established?
The property tax rate is expressed in mills, or thousandths of a dollar. A tax rate (mill rate) of 20 mills is equivalent to $20 in taxes per $1,000 of net assessed value. The Town of Barkhamsted Board of Finance sets the mill rate annually in May as part of the municipal budget process.
Tax Information
All tax information can be viewed and paid on-line through the highlighted link on the left of this page. Taxes paid in 2019 for IRS filings can be obtained by clicking the appropriate button. Payments can be made by clicking the shopping cart and following the instructions. If you pay by check, there is a $ .95 convenience fee and if you pay by credit or debit card, the fee is 2.95% of the total paid. On-line payments do not receive immediate clearance to register or reregister a motor vehicle. Please allow sufficient time for your payment to clear...usually 8 - 10 business days. 

Failure to receive a tax bill does not exempt you from paying the tax or any interest that accrues on that tax. Bills due July 1, 2020 now have accrued 1.5% interest per month from the due date of the bill or a minimum $2.00 penalty per bill. Motor vehicle bills also have an additional $2.00 fee per bill. Updated amounts due can be found by clicking the on-line link to the left.

Paper releases or registration stamps will no longer be accepted at DMV. Clearance information will be sent to them weekly for those that pay with a check approximately 10 days following your payment. We will do our best to process a release immediately for a cash payment, however, that may not be possible, so please plan accordingly. 

If you have delinquent taxes, the interest is charged from the original due date of the bill and the penalty is 1 1/5% per month or the minimum interest penalty of $2.00 per bill, whichever is greater. In addition, motor vehicle bills are subject to an additional $2.00 fee once the records are sent to DMV.    

Be sure your checks are completed properly and signed as incorrect checks will be returned and additional penalties may apply.

The first installment of real estate, personal property and motor vehicle bills for the 2021 grand list will become due on July 1, 2022. The second installment of real estate and personal property bills will become due January 1, 2023 along with the supplemental motor vehicle bills. You have 30 days to pay without penalty. Bills not paid are subject to the statutory interest of 1 1/2% per month (going back to the due date) or the minimum charge of $2.00, whichever is greater. In addition, we have an ordinance that allows the town to recoup the fees we are charged by the Department of Motor Vehicles for the use of their delinquent system, so each motor vehicle bill will  have a charge of $2.00 in addition to the interest penalty. These fees are per bill fees.   

If you are sending a check, please make it payable to "Town of Barkhamsted" and be sure of the following: you are paying the correct installment, both the numeric and written portions are the same, the check is dated and the check is signed. If you are paying on-line through your bank, please be sure to reference a current account number. Your attention to detail is appreciated. 

If you disposed of a motor vehicle after October 1, 2021 and did not transfer your plate to a new vehicle, we can probably reduce your bill. If you have your plate receipt from DMV and a second form of proof that shows what you did with the vehicle, please forward that information to the assessor's office and, if we can, we will adjust your bill before we mail it.

If you still have an open balance on previously billed taxes, please call the tax office if you are unsure how much of a penalty to include. If you receive a statement and a payment has crossed in the mail, please remit the difference as we will not be re-billing you for the balance.

Tax bills can be paid utilizing our on-line system for a small fee...just click on the link in "Tax Payment" or go to this site. If you have any questions on the use of this system, call the tax office and we will do our best to assist you.

As always, if you are unable to pay in full, please send payments to keep the amount of interest paid as low as possible.
What is the best way to pay my taxes?
The most convenient way to pay is by mailing your payment to the Barkhamsted Tax Collector, PO Box 195, Pleasant Valley, CT 06063-0195. Make your check payable to the Town of Barkhamsted and be sure to include the appropriate payment stub. If you would like to receive a receipt, return the entire bill along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. We will not send back a receipt if you fail to include the self-addressed stamped envelope. PLEASE review your payment to be sure your check is correctly and completely filled out and your math is correct.

You can also pay on-line or in person. To pay on-line, you need to go to and click on the pay taxes online link. This site processes ACH payments, at a cost of $0.95 per transaction, or credit card payments, which have a fee of 2.95% of the transaction. If you pay in person, pay attention to the office hours printed on the bill as the tax office is a part-time office. Bring your entire bill and we will receipt the taxpayer copy for you.
Can the interest on my tax bill be waived?
No. The Tax Collector has no authority to waive interest and makes no exceptions.

Staff & Contacts

Terri Collins
Tax Collector
Jan 1, 2024
Dec 31, 2027
Donna Pasqualucci-Danila
Tax Collector Assistant

Staff & Contacts

Terri Collins
Tax Collector
(860) 738-4762
Donna Pasqualucci-Danila
Tax Collector Assistant
(860) 738-4762

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