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Elected Officials

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Town Hall
Barkhamsted uses a First Selectman-town meeting form of government. The Board of Selectmen is commonly the executive arm of town governments in the New England region of the United States. The board typically consists of three or five members, with or without staggered terms. Barkhamsted's Board of Selectmen is a 3 member board, elected for a term of 2 years. 

The First Selectman (or Selectwoman depending on the person holding the office) is the head of the Board of Selectmen in some New England towns. Historically, the First Selectman was the Selectman who received the largest number of votes during municipal elections or at town meeting. Most towns, like Barkhamsted, have chosen to elect the First Selectman in a separate election, much like a mayor.

While the principle remains the same in most towns, the function has evolved differently. Traditionally, the First Selectman acts as chief administrative officer. Originally, as were all politicians in New England, this position was part time. Most modern towns who have part time First Selectmen limit the functions of the First Selectman to chairman of the Board of Selectmen and ceremonial duties. In these towns, administration of the town is handled by the town manager. In other towns, like Barkhamsted, the First Selectman acts as CEO of the town, much like a mayor, and as chief administrative officer.

State Representative (R): Mark Anderson,
U.S. Congressman (D): John B. Larson
State Senator (R): Lisa Seminara


First Selectman: Nick Lukiwsky (1/1/24 to 12/31/25)
Selectman: Raymond P. Pech (1/1/24 to 12/31/25)
Selectman: Mark Mahoney (1/1/24 to 12/31/25)
Town Clerk: Holly P. Krouse (1/1/22 to 12/31/25)
Tax Collector: Teresa Collins (1/1/24 to 12/31/27)
Treasurer: Bernadette Warren (1/1/24 to 12/31/25)
Registrar of Voters (R): Steven Blackburn (11/8/21 to 1/6/25)
Registrar of Voters (D): Karen Martin (1/4/21 to 1/6/25)
Judge of Probate: James R. Steck (1/4/23 to 1/6/27)
Regional School District #7: Mimi Duran (1/1/22 to 12/31/25)
Regional School District #7: Molly Sexton Read (1/1/24 to 12/31/27)
Stanclift Cove Authority: Melissa Roy  (5/3/22 to 12/31/25)
Stanclift Cove Authority: Brian Grant (5/5/21 to 12/31/24)
Stanclift Cove Authority: Paul Sutter (2/7/23 to 12/31/26)