Town Clerk

(860) 379-8665
(860) 379-9284
Barkhamsted Town Clerk
67 Ripley Hill Road
Hours of Operation
Monday-Thursday: 8:30am - 4:30pm Friday: CLOSED


The Office of the Town Clerk is one of the oldest positions of government in American history. It was created at the time of the landing of the early settlers in America and served as a direct link between the citizens of the community and their government.  The settlers were well aware of the importance of keeping accurate written records of agreements and actions, so when they first settled in Plymouth, Ma, one of their first acts was to appoint a person to act as recorder.  That person kept all the vital records for births, marriages and deaths for the church, as well as various other records of appointments, deeds of land exchanges, meetings, regulations governing animals, the collection of taxes, expenditures of town funds, and the election of officers at town meetings. That person may also have been given the chore of sweeping the meeting house, ringing the bell, and paying the bounty for jays and blackbirds whose heads were presented to him by the citizens.  (Thankfully), the duties of the town clerk are a bit different in today's world.

The Barkhamsted Town Clerk's Office preserves and protects town records and provides a wide range of services to the public in a professional and courteous manner, following the Connecticut General Statutes and the Code of the Town of Barkhamsted (Ordinances). These services include but are not limited to the recording of:
  • All land records (only original, properly signed & notarized documents accepted for recording)
  • Maps and surveys
  • Vital records (births, marriages and deaths, burials)
  • Military discharges
  • Election results
  • Town ordinances
  • The agendas, minutes and membership of boards & commissions
  • Trade name certificates
  • Liquor licenses and notaries
In addition, the Town Clerk's Office prepares the ballot for all elections, issues absentee ballots and administers oaths to all elected and appointed board and commission members. The Town Clerk's Office also issues:
  • Marriage licenses
  • Dog licenses
  • Sport licenses
  • Certified copies of vital records
The Town Clerk may appoint Assistant Town Clerks who shall, in the absence or inability of the Town Clerk, have all the powers and perform all the duties of the Town Clerk. The Town Clerk's office and the records vault are used on a daily basis by title searchers, attorneys, bankers, appraisers, civil engineers, surveyors, real estate agents and the general public. The staff members of the Town Clerk’s office are not title searchers or attorneys and, as a result, are not able to perform title searches, provide assistance with legal questions regarding land documents, or certifying title. Please see your attorney or a title searcher for help in those matters. Our land records are accessible on-line, but are not up-to-the minute, so please be sure to note the dates on that website. (please click on On-Line Land Records link


Currently, there are no upcoming meetings posted for this entity.
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Additional Info

Veteran's Discharge Papers
Under CT Statute Sec. 27-103, the definitions for "Armed Forces", except as otherwise provided, means the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Air Force and any reserve component thereof, including the Connecticut National Guard performing duty as provided in Title 32 of the United States Code. A "veteran" means any person honorably discharged from or released under honorable conditions from active service in the armed forces.

A veteran's discharge records (DD-214) may be filed at no charge in the Town Clerk's Office and under some circumstances may serve to qualify for tax relief with the Assessor's Office.  To receive that exemption on the assessed value of your real estate or personal property, you must file your original DD-214 certificate (separation papers from active duty) with the Town Clerk in the town you currently reside.  If you no longer own your original, a certified copy that was previously filed in another town will be acceptable.  You can also request duplicate copies of your DD-214 from the National Personnel Records Center at this website.  The Assessor will then determine based on your time of service what applicable tax relief you are entitled to receive.

Sportsmen's License Info
Click here to go to CT DEEP's home webpage.

Sport licenses are available to purchase at the Town Clerk's office during normal business hours. If you'd like to purchase your licenses on-line using your credit or debit card, you can visit the DEEP's page here. 

For the current list of license fees, please click here.

For the CT DEEP Interactive Trout Stocking Map click here.  If you hover (or click) your cursor over the lakes or rivers, it will show you the designations.  Very handy!
Barkhamsted probate records are handled in the Probate Court Offices in Torrington located on the first floor of City Hall, 140 Main Street.

Click here to visit their webpage for information.
On-Line Land Records
This on-line service has been added for your convenience. Document images are available from November 1947. New recordings will be added as quickly as possible once all records are double-checked and corrected for accuracy.  Be sure to check the certification dates on the lower left side of the webpage when searching these records. That will give you the beginning and ending dates that are included in your search of the Barkhamsted land records.

While the Town Clerk's office has attempted to preserve the accuracy of this online version, these records are not official and the Town Clerk of the Town of Barkhamsted will not be responsible for any inaccuracies that may be encountered when using this on-line version. Only those records and the indices therefor that are maintained and physically located in the Town of Barkhamsted Town Clerk's offices shall be referenced as the Official Public Records of the Town of Barkhamsted.

Please note that there may be records that have been received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Barkhamsted for recording, or changes or corrections made to the official records that have not, as of the date of the use of this on-line version, been entered into the indices available through this on-line version.  Any user of this on-line version must visit the Town Clerk's office in person to confirm whether or not any documents exist, or corrections been made, that have not been included in the indices available through this on-line version and to obtain any information relating to any such documents.

Pay-Per Access Service
The index search and marked view of each document is free of charge. To download or print an unmarked image you will be charged at the rate of $2.00 per page for all the pages of the document. You will be able to see the number of pages on the results screen before downloading or printing the document. To become a pay-per access user simply fill out the registration form, then choose a Member ID and Password for future visits.

For a certified copy of a document, please contact or visit the town clerk's office.

Legal Notices
Legal Notices for the Town of Barkhamsted will be posted at the botton of the page in the Files section until further notice pursuant to Executive Order 7I Section 19, subsection c which reads:

"19. c. Any Covered Law requiring a municipality or agency to publish any notice or notices in a newspaper of general or substantial circulation is suspended and modified to allow a single notice to be published electronically on a municipality's or agency's website, provided the earlier deadline required for posting notice by the Covered Law is maintained for the electronic posting, and such posting shall remain visible on the municipality's or agency's website until completion of the action, meeting, or proceeding for which such notice is provided, and for any notice of decision, for the duration of the applicable appeal period provided by the Covered Laws."

LAND RECORDS (set by State Statute) 

       Recording Documents                                  $60.00 first page plus $5.00 each additional page

                                Only original, properly signed & notarized documents will be accepted for recording

       Surcharges                                                   $2.00 property transfers

       MERS  –  Releases & Assignments             $159 flat fee

       MERS  –  other documents                          $159 first page plus $5.00 each additional page

       Foreclosure Registration                               $60.00 for initial , no fee for filing a change

CONVEYANCE TAX (set by State Statute)

       State                                                              .0075 of selling price

       Town                                                              .0025 of selling price

MAPS Filing fees

       Subdivision-3 or more parcels                        $30.00

       All other maps                                                  $20.00


       Land Records (set by State Statute)               $1.00 per page

       Map copies (letter, legal, ledger size)             $1.00 (letter,legal) $2.00 (ledger)    

       Map copies or scans (wide format)                 $5.00 per map

       Hand held phone or scanners                        $20.00 per visit  

       Certifying documents or Map                          $2.00

       All Other Copies                                              $.50 per page  


       Marriage License                                                 $50.00

       Burial or Removal Permit                                     $5.00

       Cremation Permit                                                 $5.00

       Certified Copies (births, marriages & deaths)      $20.00


       Male or Female                                          $19.00

       Neutered or Spayed                                    $8.00

       Late Licensing Penalty                               $1.00 per month per dog after June

       Transfer of Ownership                               $1.00 for new license & tag if dog already licensed

       Lost Tag                                                      $.50 for replacement

       Change of Residence within State             $.50 for new license & tag

       Kennel License                                           $51.00 for 10 tags

                                                                           $102.00 for 20 tags

       Dog List                                                       $40.00 plus $5.00 postage


       For Recording Commission                              $20.00

       For Recording Change of Name/Address         $15.00

       For Certification of Notary Public Signature      $5.00


       Trade Name Certificates                                    $20.00

       Liquor Permits                                                    $20.00

ORDINANCE BOOKS                                             $50.00 (including supplements)

Public Act 21-173: Unlawful Restrictions
In accordance with Public Act 21-173 the Office of Policy and Management has provided, under Section 1(f), the Unlawful Restrictive Covenant Form.  An Affidavit has also been provided as an additional tool if a landowner wishes to use this under the provisions of Section 1(c) to file a form or affidavit. There is no cost to record this on the town land records.

Dog Licenses
Per CT State Statue Sec. 22-337, every dog, except dogs kept under a kennel license as provided in        Section 22-342, must be licensed when it becomes 6 months old and then annually every June. The town clerk issues the dog licenses. There are currently no kennels in Barkhamsted.

Licenses may be obtained either in person or by mail. Bring with you an updated rabies certificate and/or notice of spaying/neutering if necessary and the appropriate fee to license your dog. If submitting by mail, you must also include a self-addressed stamped envelope for return of the license and any paperwork. We accept cash or checks made payable to “Barkhamsted Town Clerk”. Credit/debit cards are also accepted.

  • Spayed or Neutered dog | $8.00
  • Unaltered dog | $19.00

  • If renewing after the deadline of June 30th, there is a $1.00 late fee assessed per dog for each month late. Ex: July $1.00, August $2.00 etc.
  • If renewing by mail, please include the appropriate licensing fee and late fee per dog for the month in which your renewal will be postmarked, or your check will not be accepted.
  • We do ask that if our records include a dog that you no longer own, please email or call us so we can update those records.

Any blind, deaf or mobility impaired person who is owner or keeper of a dog trained to guide and assist him shall receive a license and tag for such dog, and no fee shall be charged. Also, dogs between six months and one year of age, placed for training as guide dogs, shall receive a license and tag at no fee, provided satisfactory evidence is presented that the dog was placed by an organization which supplies such guide dogs.

Anyone who becomes owner or keeper of an unlicensed dog aged six months old or older must license the dog within 30 days of acquisition. Any person becoming owner of an already CT-licensed dog may present the license and tag to the town clerk and, for a fee of $1.00, shall receive a new license and tag in his name. If a dog owner moves his residence to another town, he must present the license and tag to the town clerk of his new town who, for a fee of $.50, issues a new license and tag. The Town Clerk must retain the old license and tag in both these instances.

Having issues with wildlife???  Call the DEEP WILDLIFE DIVISION at 860-424-3011.

For more information about the Department of Agriculture's Animal Population Control Programs, click here.


  • 1829 was the first year the tax on dogs suceeded, after the first attempt by the State legislature in 1796. A state law was passed to allow the inhabitants of a town to establish a personal property tax on dogs not to exceed $1 and to enact regulations for the assessment, collection and appropriation of such taxes.
  • In 1855 sex discrimination was introduced (male dog fees $.50; female dog fees $1), penalties for failure to register your dog were established, minimum license age was set at 3 months, and sequential numbering of registrations was instituted.
  • In 1879 the penalty for failure to register a dog became a $7 fine and/or 30 days in jail.
  • In 1880, any dog without a collar or license was allowed to be killed by a constable or policeman who was then also able to collect a bounty of $1.
  • 1882 was the first year the concept of discrimination on fees for unspayed female dogs appeared. Fees for males and spayed females was $1.15, for unspayed females it was $6.15.
  • In 1935 the "tax" on dogs was replaced by a licensing fee for any dog valued under $100.00 and then in 1963, the tax on ALL dogs was replaced by the licensing fee.  Dogs continued to be deemed personal property but no longer subject to tax.
  • Then in 1976, equality reached the dog world when Public Act 76-361 imposed the same license fee on unneutered males as unspayed females.
  • The last significant change to the dog licensing laws now requires that all dogs be vaccinated against rabies prior to licensing. License and town clerk fees have varied slightly over the past 50 years.
There are three active cemeteries located in the Town of Barkhamsted.

Barkhamsted Center Cemetery
91 Center Hill Road
Barkhamsted, CT 06063
Sexton: Peter H. Hart   860-379-7336
Riverside Cemetery
87 River Road
Pleasant Valley, CT 06063
Sexton: John P. Jones   860-379-2389
Riverton Cemetery
417 East River Road
Riverton, CT 06065
Sexton: Matthew Cook  860-485-4472
Justices of the Peace
The office of Justice of the Peace originated in England and was brought to this country by the early colonists.  The office existed in Connecticut in some form from the beginnings of the colony. Today, Justices of the Peace have general oath giving powers (CGS§1-24), may take acknowledgments (CGS§1-29), may join persons in marriage (CGS§46b-22), and may take depositions (CGS§52-148c) anywhere within the State of Connecticut.  The total number of Justices a town is entitled to select are allocated first among major political parties and then among unaffiliated voters and minor party members.  Justices are selected during the year of the Presidential election and serve a four year term.  Please contact the Town Clerk for more information if you are interested in becoming a Justice of the Peace in Barkhamsted.

Click here for the list of Justices in the Town of Barkhamsted. The official zip code is (Barkhamsted)  06063 unless indicated otherwise.  You may also search for a JP online at

Absentee Ballot Information
Absentee Ballot Voting Procedures

In the State of Connecticut, any elector may vote by absentee ballot if one of the following is applicable:

  • They will be absent from town during hours of voting
  • Sickness (not only yours)
  • Active service in the US armed forces
  • Religious tenets which forbid secular activity on election, primary or referendum day
  • Service as an election official at a polling place other than the official's place of voting
An Absentee Ballot Application form may be printed or obtained from the office either in person or through the mail. Completed applications must be returned to the Town Clerk's office of the town where the applicant is an elector and may be delivered in person or by mail by the applicant or their designee. The ballots must be given or mailed directly to the applicant only; they may not be given to another person for delivery to the applicant.

Completed ballots must be received by the Town Clerk's office by the close of polls in order to be counted. An elector who votes by absentee ballot may return the ballot in person up through the day before the election or primary or mail the ballot so that it is received by the Town Clerk's office by the close of polls. If mailing, please mail early enough to allow sufficient time for the post office to transport and deliver the ballot on or before election or primary day. An elector may also designate an immediate family member (defined as dependent relative residing in his household: spouse, parent or child) to deliver their completed and sealed ballot. This designee must show proper identification and sign the ballot when returning.

UOCAVA (Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act) establishes procedures that allow members of the US Armed Forces and electors temporarily residing overseas to request voter registration applications and absentee ballot applications by mail or electronically. Access the Connecticut Secretary of State's site for applications and a link to the Federal Voting Assistance Program website to fill out a Federal Postcard Application which can serve as both an application for Voter Registration and an application for an Absentee Ballot for voters residing outside the United States of America.

Permanent Absentee Ballots

Pursuant to Public Act No. 12-57, the Connecticut General Assembly created a permanent absentee balloting status for certain individuals that became effective January 1, 2013. Those electors with permanent disabilities may apply for this status which will enable them to automatically receive an Absentee Ballot for each election, primary and referendum in the municipality in which they are eligible to vote. It eliminates the need for a permanently disabled elector to fill out an application before each election.

To qualify, an elector must file an initial Absentee Ballot Application form with the Town Clerk's office together with a doctor's certificate stating that they have a permanent disability that will not allow them to appear at their polling place. This doctor's certification must be done on the physician's letterhead and include the original signature of the certifying doctor. Each January, the Registrar of Voters are required to verify by mail of the residency of such qualified electors.  Under Freedom of Information Commission procedures, the original absentee ballot application is subject to disclosure just like any other application for absentee ballot, however, the doctor's note on file with the Town Clerk is not subject to disclosure and is kept confidential.

Emergency Absentee Ballots

Absentee ballots may not be issued on election day, except electors who suddenly become ill within six days immediately preceding the close of the polls at the election or who are patients in a hospital within such six-day period. These electors may apply for and be issued an absentee ballot up to the close of the polls. In order to do so, such electors must designate an individual to receive their ballot and bring it to them to be voted and then return the voted ballot to the Town Clerk's office. The voter should complete the Emergency Application for Absentee Ballot to be brought to the Town Clerk's office by the designee. The voted ballot must be returned to the Town Clerk's Office by the close of polls on Election or Primary Day.

Absentee Ballot for Referendum

Typically the Budget Referendum is scheduled with less than three week’s notice, which means that a different process applies for individuals to obtain an Absentee Ballot. An Application for Absentee Ballot for Referendum form may be printed from this site or obtained from the Town Clerk's office. This application must be returned in person by the individual requesting the ballot or their designee. The ballot will only be issued in person. The ballots are not mailed out to the voter due to the short time frame to return the completed ballot by the close of polls on the day of the Referendum.

Completed ballots must be received by the Town Clerk's office by the close of polls in order to be counted. A voter may return the absentee ballot by mail or in person by the day before the referendum. The person's designee may also return the completed ballot in person and upon showing proper identification and signing the ballot, or mail the ballot so that it is received by the Town Clerk's office by the close of polls.

If you have any questions on this process, please do not hesitate to contact this office.

Effective January 1, 2014, Connecticut now permits Online Voter Registration. Please note: To use the online voter registration system you must have a current and valid driver’s license, learner’s permit or non-driver photo identification card issued by the CT Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and a signature on file with DMV.
Marriage Licenses
Obtaining a Marriage License

A marriage license may only be obtained from the Town Clerk of the Town where the ceremony will take place. There is no waiting period between applying for and receiving your license, nor blood tests required.  While appointments are not required in the Barkhamsted Town Clerk's office, it is highly recommended that you call ahead to be sure that the Registrar or Assistant Registrar of Vital Statistics will be available at the time you plan to arrive.

If you are getting married in Barkhamsted, both parties must appear in person in the Town Clerk’s office to sign the license and present a valid photo ID. Approximately 30 minutes is needed for processing the license, so be sure to arrive within that time period before the office closes (unless other arrangements have been made).  The fee for the license is $50.  A certified copy of your license will be required by the Social Security Department and the DMV in order to make a name change, so a certified copy may be ordered at a cost of $20 and can be mailed or picked up in person once the original certificate is returned to the town clerk’s office by the officiator. We accept cash or checks.

You may print and complete the worksheet and bring it with you. You are also welcome to email or fax the completed worksheet to us and we could have your license ready for you to review once you arrive in the office. If you do not complete the form in advance, please be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Your place of birth (state or country only);
  • Your parents' places of birth (state or country only);
  • Your mother's maiden name (first and last name);
  • The name and contact information of the person performing the ceremony and;
  • The date you expect the marriage to occur.

Once both parties have appeared in person, the application is completed, the oaths are given and the license is signed by both parties, you will leave with the actual license in hand which will be valid for 65 days.

Please give the license to the individual performing the ceremony. Under Connecticut law the following individuals may officiate a marriage ceremony:

  • All judges, including out of state judges who are authorized to perform marriages in their jurisdictions.
  • Family support magistrates, state referees and Justices of the Peace who are appointed in Connecticut. Click on this link for a list of Barkhamsted Justices of the Peace.
  • All ordained or licensed members of the clergy belonging to this state or any other state, as long as they continue in the work of the ministry.
  • Anyone who has become ordained, either through a traditional religious organization or on-line is authorized to perform marriages in CT.

The person who performs the ceremony will complete the "Officiator" section of the license after he or she performs the ceremony. By law, it is the officiator's responsibility to return the license to the town clerk's office in the town where the ceremony occurred by the first week of the month following the marriage.  This may be done either in person or by mail.

Once the license is returned to the Town Clerk, it will be kept on file in the town permanently.  That is when your certified copy will be made and sent to you if you ordered one.  You are always welcome to ask for additional certified copies upon receipt of proper payment.  A certified copy will also be sent to the Connecticut town of residence for both parties if different from the town of occurrence and to the State of Connecticut Vital Records Department. 

There are no provisions within CT State Statues to allow our staff to be responsible for legally changing the bride's or groom's last name with Social Security Administration or the Department of Motor Vehicles. You are responsible and can visit those websites for information on what is required in addition to a certified copy of the marriage certificate.

Connecticut Marriage Laws

A person is eligible to enter into a marriage in the State of Connecticut if such person is:

  • Not a party to another marriage.
  • At least 18 years of age.
  • Not under the supervision of a conservator unless written consent of the conservator has been granted.
  • Not kindred.
Name Changes to Land Records
If an individual has changed their name due to marriage, divorce, adoption, etc. and needs to update property ownership records to reflect this change, this form should be completed and signed in the presence of two witnesses with your Attorney, a Notary Public, or the Town Clerk. If completing the form at the Town Clerk’s office, you must also provide proof of the change to your name, i.e. marriage license, divorce decree or court order. Once completed, the form would need to be filed on the land records with payment of the recording fee of $60.  The name change would then become part of the permanent records of the town and the Assessor will update the property ownership information to reflect the appropriate name.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact the Town Clerk's office.
Trade Name Certificate Filing
Trade Name & State Business Services

 Trade Name Certificates are  filed in the Town Clerk's office where you are conducting business in per Public Act 24-111 (Section 34-38) Public Act 24-111

Please click on the following link for details and forms:   Trade Name filing information and forms

The fee to file a Trade Name Certificate, Amendment or Cancellation is $20.00 

Additionally, the State of Connecticut has information available on starting or expanding one's business which may be useful.

Vital Record Information

Birth, Death & Marriage Certificates

Birth, death and marriage records can be obtained for anyone who was living in Barkhamsted at the time of the event OR if the event took place in Barkhamsted.

All vital records are open to public inspection, with the exception of birth records (see more info link below).  All vital records copy requests must be done either in person (at the Town Clerk's office) or by postal mail (67 Ripley Hill Road, Barkhamsted, CT 06063 Attn: Town Clerk). A photo ID must be presented or a copy of a photo ID included with request by mail. For the instructions on how to obtain a vital record, please click here. For the request form to obtain birth, death or marriage certificates, please click the highlighted link.

More info about:

If you are looking for the records of someone who was born, married, or died out of town, but within the State of Connecticut, you may contact the town where the event occurred. Click here to access the Connecticut Town Vital Records Directory to contact the appropriate town. You may call the State Customer Service Office at (860) 509-7700 (available 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm) or see the State Vital Records Office website to request a copy from the State.

For information on how to obtain Vital Records from other states, please refer to the link for the National Center for Health Statistics. Acrobat Reader is required to view this information. It may be possible to order vital records online from other states by contacting
Please don’t hesitate to call this office if you have any additional questions.
Notaries Public
A Notary Public is a public official appointed by the Secretary of the State's Office in Hartford and is a five year appointment.  Anyone eighteen years of age or older who is a resident of Connecticut can request an application from the Secretary of the State at their website . The fee for a new notary commission is $120 and a renewal is $60. After going through the application and approval process on their website, you must file your commission and take your oath at the Town Clerk's office in the town in which you reside.  You may also decide to file your commission in the town where you do business.  The fee for filing the commission is $20.00.

Notarial services at the Town Hall in Barkhamsted are available in the Town Clerk's office and the Building & Zoning Department and are done only in person. You must present the entire document completely filled out (with the exception of your signature), not just the notarization page, in order for us to notarize the document.  Any documents that will be recorded on the land records of Barkhamsted will not be notarized by the Town Clerk, with the exception of a change of name form.  Please be prepared to present identification in the form of either a valid government issued picture ID (i.e. driver's license) or two other alternate forms of identification.  There is a sliding fee of $1 to $20 depending on the type of document being notarized and the time it takes. That fee gets deposited into the town's "cookie jar fund" which helps residents with fuel and other assistance as needed.  While an appointment is not required, it may be best to call ahead to be sure one of the notaries will be available to you at the time you plan to arrive.

NOTE: Documents being sent to certain countries may need the apostille or authentication of the Secretary of the State in addition to that of the town clerk. The document should be directed to Authentications, Secretary of the State, 30 Trinity Street, Hartford, CT 06106.

Staff & Contacts

Holly Krouse CCTC
Town Clerk
Jan 1, 2022
Dec 31, 2025
Lila Tuxbury CCTC
Assistant Town Clerk

Staff & Contacts

Holly Krouse CCTC
Town Clerk
(860) 379-8665
Lila Tuxbury CCTC
Assistant Town Clerk
(860) 379-8665

Board Members

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