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Important announcement regarding internet service in Barkhamsted

Posted on
November 21, 2022
Town Hall
In the coming weeks, Frontier Communications will be installing fiber optic cable throughout Barkhamsted with the objective of providing high-speed internet to homes and businesses in town.  

Fiber optic cables are more reliable than the coaxial cable currently provided through your cable company, and they also provide symmetric high speed download and upload capability (i.e., the same speed in either direction).  That is not the case for traditional coax.  Fiber also has much greater bandwidth, which means that even if multiple users in your household are using internet, and multiple users on your street are on-line, you should see no delay or “buffering”.

It is not dependent on electricity except at the base station, so that even if the power goes out and you have a generator, you will have service, unless there is a break in the line.  You can use their service for your home phone similar to what you may be doing now with Charter or with the traditional Frontier phone system.

Fiber will be installed both above ground on poles and below ground for those streets with underground utilities, and Frontier will bring the cable down your driveway if you opt in for their service. 

It should be noted that this is purely a commercial venture by Frontier and that it will not cost the town anything, nor is the town endorsing its service.  If you see trucks along the street installing cables, that is the reason.

Attached to this posting is the following information: 

“Bringing Fiber to More Communities”
Barkhamsted-Frontier FiberOptic Growth Presentation 11162022.pdf
“Frontier Fiber is coming to Your Neighborhood”
Fiber is Coming to Barkhamsted.pdf
Door hanger from Parkside Utility Construction regarding installation
FIber doorhanger.pdf
Frontier will be reaching out to the town’s residents in the near future to provide more details about what they are offering.  You can then make a decision as to whether you wish to opt in with them or to stay with your current provider.

Please call me at Town Hall (860-379-8285) or e-mail me at, if you have any questions.