Register today for New Fall Programs with the Barkhamsted Recreation Department
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Register today for New Fall Programs with the Barkhamsted Recreation Department

Posted on
August 27, 2024
Recreation Department


Pound Fitness Blast  (Two New Classes!)
 Generation Pound  
Harness the power of movement and music to inspire a generation of healthy kids. Generation Pound fuses movement and music to improve focus, coordination, physical fitness and teamwork skills for ages 6-13. We will be using lightly weighted exercise drumsticks and kid-friendly choreography in addition to group activities.  
Tuesdays-September 24, October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Time:  6:00-6:45 p.m.   
Ages:  6-13
Location:  Barkhamsted Elementary School gym 
Fee:  $40.00
Instructor:  Donna Dorbuck
Registration Deadline is Tuesday, September 17.  Please pre-register through this link-
 Pound Fitness Blast for Adults
Release your Inner Rockstar!  POUND is a full-body workout that combines cardio, conditioning, and strength training. POUND transforms drumming into an incredibly effective way of working out using lightly weighted exercise drumsticks. Designed for all fitness levels and easily modifiable. POUND provides the perfect atmosphere for letting loose, getting energized, toning up and rockin' out! Participants need to bring a yoga mat and water bottle. 
Tuesdays-September 24, October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Time:    7:00-7:45 p.m. Adult Class Ages 14 and over
Location:  Barkhamsted Elementary School gym 
Fee:  $40.00
Instructor:  Donna Dorbuck
Registration Deadline is Tuesday, September 17.  Please pre-register through this link-
Registration Deadline for both Generation Pound and Pound Fitness Classes is Tuesday, September 17.  Please mail or drop off checks/payment to Barkhamsted Recreation Department-Attention:  Donna Bastrzycki-Barkhamsted Recreation Director Barkhamsted Town Hall- 67 Ripley Hill Road, Barkhamsted, CT 06063  (there is also a white mailbox out in front that you can leave payment in)  Please make checks payable to Barkhamsted Recreation and address the envelope-Attention:  Donna Bastrzycki-Barkhamsted Recreation Department.  You can also pay the first night of the program.  
Halloween Sock Hop!
The Recreation Department’s Annual Sock Hop will be held on Friday, October 25 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Join us for this annual family event, with music and fun at the Peoples State Forest Pavilion- $6.00 fee per person will be collected on-site.  All participants must pre-register and children must be accompanied by an adult family member at all times. There will be quality gift card costume contest prizes for adults, children and families!  Parents and caregivers, please dress up too!  Entertainment Unlimited will be spinning everyone’s favorite music.  Be ready for some Halloween Fun!   We will have lots of fun! Please bring flashlights or headlamps as it will be dark towards the end of the dance going back to cars or when using the port-o-potties. Everyone must pre-register from this link-     
Before Thanksgiving Holiday Hike with Hot Apple Cider, Hot Chocolate and Cookies!  (Fun for the whole family)   
Join us as we hike up to the beautiful Beaver Brook Marsh Boardwalk trail in Peoples State Forest at 1 p.m. on Saturday, November 23.  Get ready for the Thanksgiving holiday by spending time with friends, exercising and enjoying our beautiful forest surrounded by the beautiful Wild and Scenic Farmington River as we hike to the Beaver Brook Boardwalk Marsh Trail and enjoy a fun afternoon.  Please dress appropriately with proper gear. This will be a moderately strenuous hike but well worth it.  It will be held rain or shine! Families are welcome. We will also enjoy a "Pot Luck" snack together as we take a break at the beautiful Boardwalk and at the end of the hike.  Please bring water and your favorite "pot luck" snack.  We will also provide individually packaged desserts and hot chocolate/cider.   Please Register by Monday, November 18 from this link-
This hike will be led jointly by the Barkhamsted Recreation Department, Farmington River Steward and FALPS. Please meet at the parking area on East River Road at bottom of Greenwoods Road (near the gate) (The road that leads up to the Stone Museum) at 1 p.m. on Saturday, November 18.   (Note-it is hunting season, if you can wear orange or a bright colored jacket it is recommended)  Depending on the group size/level of difficulty we may split up into two groups and have a few different options for length of the hike/walk.)  (The full hike will be approximately 3.5-4 miles) 
               Fall/Winter Pickleball Session 2024/2025
Fall Pickleball Free Demo Night will be held on Wednesday, November 20 from 6:00-9:00 p.m. in the Barkhamsted Elementary School gym.  Come down and check out what the fun is all about!  Please wear sneakers and bring a Paddle if you have one.  Players from the past sessions are encouraged to come and help the new players enjoy the sport that night and also get some play time on the courts before our fall/winter session begins.  Participants can also register that night for fall program.  The demo night is FREE!
It is time to get off the couch and join us for the very fun and new Pickleball Fall/Winter Session. All levels and abilities are welcome. This fun sport combines many elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong. You will get great exercise and have a blast. 
Location-Barkhamsted Elementary School Gym         
Time-6:00-9:00 p.m. (this program is for adults (high school students are also welcome) 
Dates- November 20th-Free Demo Night from 6:00-9:00 p.m.
November 20, December 4, 11, 18, January 8, 15, 22, 29, Feb. 5, 12 
(Snow Date is Feb. 19 )  (New 10 week session this year!!)   
Please pre-register through this link- 
Fee: $20.00 for residents, $25.00 for non-residents  (no pro-rations) Pre-registration is required. Registration deadline is November 20h at Demo night.  Please bring your own paddle and wear sneakers. Please mail your registration to The Barkhamsted Recreation Department- Attention Donna Bastrzycki-Recreation Director 67 Ripley Hill Road, Pleasant Valley, CT 06063 or bring your payment to the Free Demo night on Wed. November 20, 2024
Mark Your Calendars!
Barkhamsted Rec. Ski Program 2025 
Children in Grades 3-6 will enjoy a fun night of skiing at Ski Sundown with the Barkhamsted Recreation Dept!  All registration forms must be completed and paid for by Friday, October 25 at the Halloween Dance.  (Please register on time to help ensure a safe and fun program.  Important-The program requires one total check by the town to be made out to Sundown.  All registrations must be complete by 10/25/2024 in order for everything to be submitted to Ski Sundown on time.  Chaperones and volunteers are essential in order for this program to be possible. We ask again this year parents ski with their children if possible and children must be accompanied by a parent/caregiver/helper while at Sundown.        Please email Donna Bastrzycki at if you can also help out as a volunteer or chaperone by Wed. November 20. Thanks.
Where: Ski Sundown                        Age Group:               3rd - 6th graders
When: Wednesday afternoon for 5 weeks (after school)    (January 8, 15, 22, 29, Feb. 5 Feb. 12 is a backup day if needed. We will add on weeks if School is canceled or there is an early release from school.)  (If there is no school or an early release then we will not have the Ski program that day and the program will be extended)
Time:               4:00 till 7:00 (with one hour lessons starting AT 5:00 p.m.)       
ANY LATE REGISTRATIONS AFTER October 25 will have to be added on at Ski Sundown and there is an additional $25.00 late fee paid directly to Ski Sundown and $5.00 late fee to The Town of Barkhansted.  There are NO guarantees that space will be available after the deadline. Last year they did not accept registrations after the deadline. Please register before October 25 to ensure your child’s spot.  Ski Sundown asked us to have a firm deadline with not many add or changes.  Please be sure to carefully fill out your child’s form with their Ski Level and info.  *Helmets are required!  Please mark and label your children's skis and equipment.  Locks are strongly recommended.  (Prices below include bus and snacks on the last night)  All Parents and Children must attend the on-line the Ski Sundown Safety Meeting  
Estimated prices are below for this year.
Fee:    Lesson and Lift + bus: $365.00          Lift Only + bus: $240.00       
Pass Holder Lesson + bus: $235.00          Equipment Rental: $151.00 (this is in addition to the ski prices- either lesson, lift and bus,  Pass holder lesson and bus or Lift only and bus.)
(The above price includes transportation to Ski Sundown and snack bags on the last night of the program and treats during the program)   (Parents/Caregivers drive their children home from Ski Sundown.  Parents/Caregivers are encouraged to attend each of the weeks and ski or help watch their children ski outside/ please consider this is an outdoor focused program before registering.  You can register at the Halloween Sock Hop and bring all of your paper work and check there if you wish!)  (Ski forms will be distributed to the Barkhamsted Elementary School the first week of and will be available at Town Hall after Oct. 7.)  
Please make checks out to the Town of Barkhamsted and fill out the both the Recreation Department Registration form and Ski Sundown Forms completely.  Forms will be available at the Barkhamsted Elementary School and Town Hall during the week of October 9-13 will be on the town website and will be emailed to you directly if requested.  Please email- for more info.  
Please note for all programs that are held in the Barkhamsted Elementary School, If there is no school or an early release then we will not have the program that day and the program will be extended if possible)  The Halloween Dance will be held rain or shine.  Once you are registered, you will be on the guest list!
Please register before the deadline for all programs to help ensure safety and your spot.  Forms can be either mailed or dropped off at the outside mailbox at Barkhamsted Town Hall-67 Ripley Hill Road-Barkhamsted, CT 06063

 Mark Your Calendars- Christmas in Riverton will be December 6-8, 2024