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Town Communication Survey

Posted on
July 11, 2023
Town Hall
Greetings Barkhamsted Neighbors!
The Town of Barkhamsted is working on becoming a Sustainable CT town. Sustainable CT is a voluntary certification program recognizing thriving and resilient Connecticut municipalities. Municipalities choose Sustainable CT actions, implement them, and earn points toward certification.

Sustainable CT also provides opportunities for grant funding to help communities promote economic well-being. 
One of our action steps is determining how well the town provides effective community communications about municipal operations, services, and events.
To help determine if our town is communicating effectively, the Sustainability Team has designed the 3-minute survey in the link below. Taking a few minutes to fill out the survey will help develop a communication strategy to gain points and strengthen our community. 

Surveys are due July 21, 2023. If you have any questions or want to join our Sustainable Ct Team, don't hesitate to contact Linda Pulford at or Judy Doyle at
Thank you for helping make our town great!

Please click on the follow link to access the survey:

Sustainable CT Communication Survey